Become A Citizen.

A basic overview of the various methods to become a United States citizen.

Citizenship by Parents

One way to gain U.S. Citizenship is be born on America Soil, or in territories that are under United States jurisdiction, such as Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands. Another way to gain citizenship by birth is to be born to parents that are American citizens, regardless of place of birth. Another way is to be adopted by U.S. citzens while under te age of 18 years.

Citizenship through Immigration

U.S. citizenship can also be attained through the naturalization process. For more in-depth information about applying for citizenship after immigrating to the United States, see the page on Applying for a citizenship.

Why become a Citizen?

Some benifits of being a citizen of the United States include:
‌• Only US citizens can vote in Federal elections. Most states also restrict other elections to citizens.
‌• Citizens get priority when petitioning to bring family mebers to the United State permanetly.
‌• Children born to citizens (regardless of being born abroad or in America) are automatically citizens as well.
‌• A U.S. passport allows you to get assitance from the U.S. government while travelling abroad.
‌• Most jobs with the Federal government require U.S. citizenship.
‌• Many elected offices in this country require citizenship.